Independent Financial Planner, you’ve started to hear often. It may be the first time, you know. Independent Financial Planners are trending more and more needed, given the growing number of middle-class people around the world.
Independent Financial Planners are not tied to any financial company. Due to its independent nature, the focus is prioritized for client satisfaction. Personal writers currently prefer an independent path to avoid the attraction of interest and are more comfortable at heart if the performance and consulting results add value to the client.
What Makes a Financial Advisor “Independent?”

Financial Planner itself is similar to a doctor in the health world. Ophthalmologists treat eye health problems. Cardiologists treat heart health problems. It’s just that what is handled differently between doctors and financial planners. Financial Planners also have certain specializations.
Some have more control over Taxes, Inheritance, Retirement Savings, Investments, and Insurance. The author personally prefers investment and retirement needs because it is very much supported by the author’s hobby, namely the accumulation of financial assets (stocks and mutual funds).
To choose, whether independent or related to a particular financial product, is the client’s right. But of course, an financial advisor near me is more in favor of the client because the principal capital of an Independent Financial Planner is the trust obtained from the client, so it is expected to be more objective and optimal. While a financial planner is related to specific products, there will be a tendency to market their products.
How to Tell If a Financial Advisor Is Independent
Can I plan my finances? Yup. The short answer is yes. Of course, you should spend more time learning a few things about finance. But some people prefer their time to do other things and leave the financial planning arrangements to a Financial Planner.
How much does paying a financial planner? As stated above, you have the right to choose whether to manage yourself or require professional consultation. If you are diligent in reading and digging for knowledge, you can be more expert than a professional Financial Planner. But if you are willing to pay, then you can use consulting services to plan from a Financial Planner.
The services provided by a Financial Planner and fractional CIO range from consulting and planning to asset allocation advice, but also include information processing in an organization. As a result, you will be getting a better understanding of all processes that are associated with any part of the business. For consulting, usually, a financial planner pays hourly. Meanwhile, a “financial plan” is usually paid per package. Meanwhile, for processing or suggesting the direction of investment assets based on a certain percentage. Decide which one is comfortable for you.
The role and responsibility of a financial planner are very large. They are starting from planning and setting dreams, priorities, and financial goals that clients want to achieve. Helping clients to be able to manage, organize and process their finances appropriately so that they are not big pegs than pillars.
Please provide an overview of the allocation of funds, and lifestyle adjustments to financial conditions, to provide an overview and preparation of early investments that will help their financial situation in old age.
I was researching and re-monitoring the financial plan that has been determined. Provide solutions to financial problems faced by clients.
Pros and Cons of Independent Financial Advisors

A financial planner or financial planner has the task of helping manage and plan the client’s finances so that their financial goals can be achieved. From the description of the definition, it can be said that a financial planner is responsible for his client’s finances.
A good financial planner will help plan his client’s finances by looking at all aspects and the financial situation that the client is currently facing. Generally, a financial planner will provide general or general planning. However, if the client requires a more detailed financial plan, the client can choose to use a particular specialization financial planner according to the desired details.
In addition to planning, the financial planner must also convey and help carry out the overall plan that has been made. A mature financial plan can be submitted and explained in advance to the client.
Financial planners must also ask for opinions from clients, whether it is in accordance with their wishes. Not only conveying and explaining, but financial planners must also help carry out the plans that have been mutually agreed upon. Some plans that can be helped include opening additional accounts, managing assets, and other things that can help the financial management of clients.
The primary responsibility that a financial planner must carry out is to make financial plans for the client. In short, financial planners become a bridge for their clients in achieving their financial goals.
Financial planners are also responsible for evaluating their clients’ financial condition. The points that need to be evaluated can include assets, savings, expenses, income, installments, and other needs that are related to finances. That way, financial planners can find out where the financial mistakes experienced by their clients are. Independent financial planners do not sell specific financial products but only provide advice.
Independent vs. Non-Independent Financial Advisors

Who can be a independent financial advisor? Anyone can be a financial planner. But it is usually recommended that you have specific competencies or certifications. Of course, the CFP certification stands out, which is under the strict control of the FPSB (Financial Planning Standard Board). Certifications passed after specific education and experience will provide trust and are more reliable. Because usually, they will only recommend official products, for example, in the Financial Services Authority list.
Financial planners can work individually, in institutions, or large companies. This financial planning can include many things, such as investments, retirement savings, taxes, monthly expenses, to housing plans. You need to know the definition above is more directed to the profession of an independent financial planner.
In general, the financial planning profession is divided into two types, namely independent financial planners and dependent financial planners. An independent financial planner is not tied to a financial service company such as a bank, insurance, or investment manager. Usually, independent financial planners have a different platform, namely a financial consulting company. As the name suggests, this kind of company offers financial consulting services.
Then what about dependent financial planners? They join financial services companies such as banks, insurance, or investment managers to sell certain financial products. Can you understand it?